Below are members of the Freedom Party, running in the Manteno Election on April 1, 2025.

Annette LaMore
Running for Mayor of Manteno

Peggy Vaughn
Running for Trustee

Paul Motel
Running for Trustee

Mike Barry
Running for Trustee

Kerri Rolniak
Running for Clerk
Anna Kaminski
Running for Trustee
I recently retired from Homeland Security with 40 years of service. I moved to Manteno in 1990 and raised my family here. The slower paced life and quality of life for a family kept me in Manteno while I commuted for 40 years. 2 grandkids are also being raised here. I love this town and its people. I decided to run for Manteno Township Trustee to try to make a difference with upcoming projects and views for our town. I am an Officer-Historian with the Auxiliary at the American Legion Post 755 and recent member of the Historical Society.